A Touchy Subject

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Sexual mindset post Prostate Surgery

This is an email extract from a Touchy Subject member, printed with his permission.

Pleasure Stick vs. Sex Conductor

There are alternatives to think about instead of wallowing in the fact that your erection is different, and the way it works is different, and the way you might want to share it with others might also have to be a little bit different.

Instead of looking at one’s erection as a pleasure stick, we now have to look at our erection as part of an overall arrangement of pleasure.

I guess its like going from playing a musical instrument to becoming the conductor of a whole band.

Now the band includes a vacuum device, and perhaps some other mutually beneficial toys and lubricant, and other interesting techniques.

If I think about it - and of course assuming there’s a willing partner - I’d rather be a conductor of a sex band rather than just playing one musical stick.

Unless of course it was a flute, but I am not going to explain that one…”