“I was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of cancer and underwent surgery that included the complete removal of my prostrate and pelvic lymph nodes. Before finding A Touchy Subject, I was faced with being a man who had the sex drive of a horny teenager, a penis of a newborn, with permanent ED, and wearing nappies. Not a lot there to get your libido pumping.

Then I found your website and the information helped make the future brighter. I’ve taken your rehab program and I’m feeling much better about my future with ED. My wife and I have a better understanding of what we can do to make life more enjoyable. My regime now includes 30 mins every morning on the treadmill and therapy time with a pump which seems to be helping to restore length slowly.

Thank you for the upbeat way you do your videos and the valuable information you are providing.

(Russ, 2 months post Prostatectomy)

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Victoria Cullen

“Until I discovered A Touchy Subject I felt alone and afraid on a journey I did not understand. I thought it was the end of my sexual life. You have given me (and my wife) hope, pleasure, and confidence and the motivation to explore whole new worlds.

The Vacurect works extremely well, I achieve a full erection in about 10 minutes and when shared with my wife, this anticipation time becomes a form of foreplay for both of us. My wife tells me I’m now comparable to my size 15 years ago, which is a pleasant surprise! Regarding sensation, things have advanced from "nice" to "very damn nice" with increasing sensation and pleasure.”

(Phil, post Prostatectomy)

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Victoria Cullen

“When I saw the doctor he told me to just try pills or an injection but he would not waste money on a pump or anything else. I nearly gave up but the bladder nurse told me about A Touchy Subject and I felt hope on exactly that - a touchy subject.

My wife and I have been using this with great success. It took practice and patience but now I feel like I have mastered it to the point where our sex life is better than anything I’ve experienced in the past.”

(S. post Prostatectomy)

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Victoria Cullen

“A Touchy Subject’s program made me feel that I am no longer alone in this. It’s given me a practical plan of action to take care of aspects of my healing, and inspiration to share my own story with the world.

You have helped me re-unite with my old friend, the faithful erection that deserted me after surgery.

(Mish, South Africa: read more on his blog: RecoveringMan.net)

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Victoria Cullen

“The program has given me more understanding and reminded me to stay patient, keep healthy, and be happy with what I can ‘resurrect’ with your help and knowledge.

Victoria is a godsend to men in my predicament, I gratefully appreciate all the time and effort you put into your videos and programs. Thank you!”

(Bernie, NSW, 1 year post Prostectomy)

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Victoria Cullen

“I am pre-op, and now have a better understanding of what I am facing in the near future. The program has taught me that there is hope in recovery. I can regain a normal life by following simple routines to get there.

I got a lot out of the real life interviews with people like Alan and Fiona on what their road to recovery was. Both with incontinence and sexual challenges and what works for them.”

(Jim, Canada)

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Victoria Cullen

This program has taught me that I’m not on my own in this journey.

The thoughts and concerns I have are very similar to others. I’m learning to trust the advise and not get too impatient, there are always days that are better than others.

I am now getting my partner involved and understanding it will take time. Just because the operation was successful doesn’t mean everything else will just follow!”

(Wayne, Melbourne, 9 weeks post Prostatectomy)

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Victoria Cullen

“Your program of advice and strategies have been a tremendous help. I did not realise how important an erection is for mental health until now. Still coming to terms with the post operation circumstances” - (Wayne from Australia)

“Just want to say thank you for your program (was referred by my Physiotherapist). It actually helped fill the gap in terms of not knowing the unknown. It also helped by making me feel like I’m not alone. Thank you!” - (Keith from Australia)

“This program makes information available for people who don't live in a capital city. Thank you heaps!” (Ian)

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Victoria Cullen

“Just a short note to thank you for all your assistance during 2020.

After my Prostatectomy, I foolishly believed I would fully recover my continence within 3 months and regain erectile function shortly thereafter!

Little did I know the journey would be far longer and significantly more frustrating than I had imagined.

Today, I am wiser and feel comfortable with my ED recovery progress, which has been based on your rehab program and general advice/updates via the newsletter.

The information you provide is extremely helpful and I am sure many other men in my position are very thankful for your guidance.”

(Ian S., 9 months post Prostate Surgery)

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Victoria Cullen

I had a radical prostatectomy 5 years ago. It’s been a long frustrating sexual journey sine then. Intercourse turned into a humiliating and totally discouraging experience for us.

We are still overjoyed 5 months later after doing your program. The Vacurect pump is incredible. Learning to use it is sorta like riding a bike. Not a terribly steep learning curve but still a learning curve. Your videos were incredibly helpful. The most important part is open communication with your mate!

You changed our life’s for the better. Going from no intercourse to making love all the time is a miracle. Can’t tell you how your advice opened up our relationship."

(Thomas & Vivian, 5 years post-Prostatectomy)

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Victoria Cullen

“Though my journey back to sexual health has only just begun, your program has been really helpful for me.

I was able to achieve a very mild orgasm with a flaccid penis, which was somewhat of a surprise. I am having troubles with leakage during stimulation but I think that is improving. (wow, was that a relief to read in your program that this was very common - and that there is actually a medical term for this!)

Anyway, that’s my journey so far, with a long road ahead, but I really just wanted to say thank you for your resources. Knowing that I am not alone in the journey is comforting.

(Steve, 8 weeks post Prostatectomy, 57 years old.)

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Victoria Cullen

There has been a significant improvement in our closeness and lovemaking since taking your program.

Thank you so much, both to you and your colleagues, for the work that you have put in that helps not just us men, but our partners/wives too.

Also, not just to recover, but to recover with dignity and optimism for the future. We owe you a huge debt of gratitude. (and if I ever meet you, flowers and chocolates, also. Lots!)”

(Gergory, post-Prostatectomy)

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Victoria Cullen

Thanks for a wonderful program, and the dedication needed to get these useful resources together. I would recommend your rehab program without reservation to anybody in a similar situation.

Your program is really grounding because it brings up stuff that is likely to happen post Prostatectomy and how to deal with it, with no sugar coating. ED, changed orgasms etc. The program is right on topic.

The content for me pointed to everything I wish I knew about this surgery beforehand but couldn't find out. Especially useful for me were the rehab strategies on maintaining your previous self. Such a useful life program.”

(Bruce, post Prostatectomy)

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Victoria Cullen

“Thank you so much for the caring discussions, info, and product recommendations in this program - hope has returned!

My very talented urologist provides good quick clinical snippets but nothing in depth like what A Touchy Subject provides. I eagerly await your emails and videos!

The journey over the past three months (since your program) has been steady progress week by week. Using the Vacurect pump normalized things closer to normal.

Conversations among men post/op regarding continence, kegeling, and pad use are very normal. It's a lot more clinical. Men just don't talk and compare their body's progress on the sexual side. We didn't discuss personal sex before our surgeries and we don't discuss it afterward. This is tough if you want to have someone to talk to about all this.”

(Mark, post-Prostatectomy)

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Victoria Cullen